Latest Episodes

Calling Blacktail with Doe Calls // Bonus Episode
In this episode, Bryant tells the story of how he killed his first buck using a doe bleat mouth call in Western Oregon. Enjoy...

Southern Oregon Waterfowl and Traditional Archery with The Life Outdoorz // S2E4
Southern Oregon Roadtrip Interveiw #2: Bryant continues his journey South to talk with Nate and Gage Bailey, a father and son duo who both...

The Western Oregon Hunting Exposé with Devoted Outdoors // S2E3
Southern Oregon Road Trip interview #1: Bryant goes down south to talk with Devoted Outdoors about their awesome adventures growing up in the mountains...

So you want to start kayak bass fishing? Kyle Deuver // S2E2
So you want to to start kayak bass fishing? Well here is everything you need to know about boat selection, what gear to buy,...

The Oregon Trapping Episode with OTA President Doug Nichol // S2E1
Welcome to the first episode of season 2, where we talk with Oregon Trappers Asociation President Doug Nichol about all things trapping! From getting...

OFHF Podcast Season 2 Trailer
Get ready for an awesome year with Oregon First Hunting and Fishing!